My home and some of my before and afters....

May 27, 2011

Spring Summer Link Party at

image Here is a party for you to share your summer mantels and other fun summer projects you have been working on..
I decided to share my summer mantel…my VERY inexpensive summer mantel… .I used some of the frames  purchased to make vintage chalkboards for my son’s rehearsal dinner to start out with , added some of my peonies that are blooming this week here in the Midwest..Our mantel is from my husband’s grandfather’s farm house…we secured it against a wall in our living room and tiled a sheet of plywood behind it..I purchased a cast iron summer cover from here --  a VERY cool place—check it out…..IMG_8314_edited-3 This vase has been spray painted to cover the  not so attractive look it was sporting when I purchased her at a thrift shop for less than a dollar..
IMG_8327_edited-4 Tray behind the vase—another thrift shop find….the books came from an estate sale—on day 3 of the sale…the day for all the deal hawkers like me!
The bottles -- from the infamous Round Top,Texas— a vendor on the side of the road….He let me pick a group of vintage bottles for a couple bucks…
Even the raffia was on clearance—90% off from a going out of business sale..there are some things I will NEVER pass up!
Thanks for stopping by and checking my mantel—hop over the Layla’s to join the party……or at least check out everybody's ideas!! 

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