My home and some of my before and afters....

June 2, 2011

Annie Sloan’s Chalk Paint


The blogosphere is abuzz about chalk paint---no-- not chalkboard paint--chalk paint!  My coveted quart of "Old White" is currently in my work area ....and my next 2 quarts - Louis Blue and Paris Grey are on their way...

chalk (2)

I have one coat on my project & am loving the color.... have not even added a coat of  wax yet which is supposed to really deepen and enhance the look.....I will be posting pics and a full review within the next few days...  Chalk Paint's claim to fame is that you do not need to prime-along with the great finished look it gives you as well as the ease of application...sounds pretty good huh?   

I have collected a few posts on the subject to help educate you on this new fun paint....Enjoy--and I think chalk paint is going to be a GREAT find!!

Blue Creek Home has a GREAT chalk paint give away...

Centsational Girl has a great review with project pics...

Screaming Meme has a give away also...

Miss Mustard Seed is a fan-check out that desk and buffet--to DIE for!!

Shaunna from Perfectly Imperfect is doing a great post about Chalk Paint-be sure to check it out!


  1. I've sure have been hearing alot about Chalk Paint....and am anxious to give it a try! Can't wait to see your next project. Happy Summer............

  2. anxious to see your project! :)
    have a great weekend,

  3. Ooh, you're going to love Paris Grey, that's the color I am using now to do a dresser with. :) After using it I want to paint everything in that color. :) Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! Can't wait to see your projects.


..thanks for taking the time to comment.....I appreciate your feedback....