My home and some of my before and afters....

May 22, 2011

A cool find and an auction tip

I LOVE this old wooden box that I picked up at an auction… REALLY cheap….and here is how I did it with an auction tip for you…..
Great old boxes like this are usually used to hold garage type thingy's and usually have some great “custom features”..the handles on this one look like OLD fan belts someone just nailed into the box….I fell in love with her at first sight….
AUCTION TIP—I have found tons of great old boxes and containers at auctions in the tools and/or the  garage section of auctions (these areas are usually in the back of the auction-less desired area of the auction if it is at a large farm or house)   usually only a handful of  guys hang out there - most e-bayers, collectors tend to be in the area where the obvious goodies are placed in the front of the farm  where the grass is mowed!…If you are lucky enough to be at a  two or three ring auction  check out the “guy stuff”  containers…..  Most men are not interested in them—they just want the stuff IN THE containers…this had some old tools in it and I asked the auctioneer if he would sell the box separately….knowing me he said—“only you would want this Chris!”  and I picked it up for fifty cents!! 
Now she has her place in the house on a great old wooden bench as the keeper of my Pottery Barn wish books…….With auction season in full swing here in the Mid-West hopefully I can find more goodies like that …… Off to start on this beauty—my future laptop desk…..with some Annie Sloan Chalk Paint..I am a first timer with Annie’s paint-soooo excited to jump on board!
More pics and some repair shots to follow……..Enjoy your Sunday and thanks for stopping by……..:)


  1. Joe and I used to attend auctions regularly but not so much now. Thanks for the tip. The box is fabulous Chris.

  2. Chris! cool box! :) really, I love it!
    I NEVER go to auctions.... I think I should start. hmmm

    I used Annie's paint for the first time over the weekend. It was fun!


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