My home and some of my before and afters....

June 18, 2013

Whewww......demo's and market's and sales.....OH MY!

I knew I LOVED this I would have no trouble singing it's praises...I just had NO idea so many people would like to watch and listen!  A week ago our city had it's BIG day...The Moss Avenue Sale....a very historic street of our city shuts down and vendors fill the streets and beautifully manicured lawns for a day vintage sales, food, and refurbished pieces...You set up on a street that has beautiful homes like this......

And people fill the streets........for blocks and blocks!

I set up my paint display while my daughter-in-law manned our booth to sell our painted furniture and vintage furniture pieces....which by the way SOLD OUT!!

And as the morning started I had my cans lookin good!!


I decided to start painting a piece that had a base coat and a coat over it to demonstrate different distressing technique's....

and boom............I had great people asking great questions and buying great was a PERFECT day..and 7 hours felt like 45 minutes!!!
(until I got home..then my FEET could tell it was 7 hours)

Thank you to all who came out and enjoyed a perfect Midwest summer day...enjoyed meeting so many people and sharing was a perfect day......

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