My home and some of my before and afters....

May 20, 2013

Na Da Farm Sale......

My daughter-in-law and I decided to go to Na Da's Farm Barn sale opening night- last Friday.  If you are not familar with Anne Marie's blog here is her link:

Anne Marie lives in a 1920's restored by her and her husband where they "raise bees and let the horses graze & the children play...a place to live a life of freedom and raise a family...a farm to help support local businesses with our twice annual barn sales...a place to raise our own food and tend to our animals...a place to embrace life and help others to do so...where you can smell a pie baking and hold a baby..." Anne Marie

Here are some shots from the afternoon and evening.....


And since it was a real grandaughter was able to have some fun herself!


  1. I met Anne Marie a few years ago at a blogger meet up with Jen Rizzo. What a beautiful soul she is!

  2. how fun! love the pics, and that g'baby is a doll! how sweet


  3. I wish I could've gone...I will "some day"! :-)


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