My home and some of my before and afters....

October 19, 2011

Generation After Generation After Generation

One of my current projects is painting this dresser......
it was my dresser as a child, then my daughters, and then my first granddaughters.......
and now it is going from pink and white 
to completely white for my next granddaughter.....

25 years ago this is what my oldest daughter stenciled on the back of the dresser(when she was five)  as we were painting it in anticipation of the arrival of her baby sister...

and now 25 years later.....that same baby sister is going to have this dresser 
in her daughter's nursery....
which by the way has been a GREAT on going project 
that I will be taking pictures of once the crib is assembled.
Here is a sneak peek of the early stages...let's just say stripes are NOT easy.....but totally worth the time and trouble...I will be sharing my how to tips--and more importantly --what NOT TO do very soon in the upcoming nursery post......


  1. Oh my gosh! The history behind that piece is incredibly sentimental! I can't wait to see it all together!

  2. So you're the one painting the nursery walls? I can barely paint a wall a plain color, let along tackle something like stripes. ;-) Can't wait to see the dresser when you're finished.

  3. This is awesome.. The history is so beautiful... So cute.. There's SO much going on here and I LOVE it..I found ya blog hopping around and I'm officially following ya with smiles.. LOVELY blog.. I'm settling in to look around and indulge a bit if you don't mind :)).. I'm Marilyn via .. Hope you can stop in sometime pweease. TY


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