My home and some of my before and afters....

July 10, 2011

Mod Podge for Protection

Awhile back I made over a great vintage trunk...
 My favorite part of the trunk was the vintage travel stamps still on the top and sides....but I was worried how to protect until I decided what to do I covered them with thin can see it in the upper left corner here....not a good last week I picked up some Mod Podge...and decided to give it a try....
I must admit I was a bit nervous covering the stamps--
At this point I was down right SCARED......but then things began to dry and.....
It ended up looking really good--the stamp did not run-which was my fear---and now it has a pretty good covering on it to help protect then I moved on to one of my FAVORITE stamps on the trunk....
an Oct. 23rd 1928 stamp from New York....once again at this point I was a bit nervous...
But after drying--once again--a great look with a bit of protection...
Not a bad looking stamp for almost 83 years old! 


  1. great use for mod podge! The trunk and the stamps look fabulous!

  2. I am glad it worked. I have an old trunk I could do the same for.


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