My home and some of my before and afters....

June 7, 2011

Annie Sloan Chalk Paint Part 2 and a Chalk Paint Give Away

And we’re back!  I might be the slowest painter on the planet—but this IS my first chalk paint experience and I want to be sure I do it right…….This picture can show you how smooth the drawers are after waxing…This paint really changes once the wax is applied….. If you had any paint lines while painting they are gone at this point……
I also tried a little of my dark wax to add some “age” to the drawers…I like the blended effect the darker wax has on the paint…and once again—if you find it is too dark—just go over the dark wax with your lighter wax until you achieve the color you want….I put the darker wax on the lower right bottom area on the top drawer and the upper right area on the bottom drawer….check it out below…
Once  complete I will do a bullet list of the steps I  followed….it really is simple and I am liking loving the look….I have been asked if i feel the paint is worth the cost…Yesterday I might have said I was on the fence but today—I would say YESSSS!  This  paint has such a smooth, creamy, vintage  look to it-and is so easy to distress—and I  have not even tried it yet with 2 colors distressing-which is another one of i the top selling points!    Still have a few more areas to wax and distress—so my next post—should be the finished project—and we all LOVE those ……now don't we?
Now for the fun stuff—a GIVE AWAY!!!  Molly Susan Strong is giving away 3 quarts of this great product—count ‘em one-two-three!! Check out her blog,  her chalk paint projects, and sign up to win!! image Good luck!


  1. This is looking so fabulous I can't wait to see the end product!!! Thanks for posting my button. i so appreciate it. The poppy is one of my original paintings, actually 3 ft x 4 ft. Big!

  2. I'm loving this paint too! Great job, c'mon... show us the reveal! :)
    hopping over to enter for the paint now.


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