My home and some of my before and afters....

March 16, 2011

WHAT have I gotten myself into???

Ever said those words to yourself after jumping into a project?  Well I must admit I have been a little absent lately --but I have good reason...MASTER BEDROOM PROJECT....darn you Layla from Why did your bedroom project have to look so WONDERFUL SCRUMP-DILLY-IOUS?..See I am making up words now....Here is the goal.....Layla and Kevin's Master bedroom...

Here is where I was last night--even my yellow lab looks confused and wondering --what is she doing now???  Don't fret my pet--things will begin to look a bit more a day or two...or three..or four...for sure before I leave for Round Top Texas Antique Fun!! Wish me luck, cross your fingers, and believe me disorganization drives me crazy...can't look at the photo below any longer :)  

On a cleaner, nicer is one of the new future closet doors--looking pretty in white..and if you look closely you will see another item peeking out in the lower bottom of the picture that is involved in this project.....If this all turns out...I will be dancing the 2 step at Round Top in celebration!!

1 comment:

  1. If it is any comfort to you we have been removing wallpaper for four months from our master bedroom walls and may never finish. I am jealous you get to go to RoundTop...have loads of fun!


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